Wednesday 5 March 2014

designer loves art… Guest Blogger 01...2D-or-not-2D

        As I mentioned before I have been extremely busy with work and masters applications, so I've ask for some help. My first Guest blogger is Sara.
Kutsan, Khokhlov & Ershova

When we hear about the body as a canvas, most of the time we think about tattoos. Although, it is quite and art by itself, in this occasion we refer to make-up. Yes, that splash of color that most women adopt as a morning routine. Make-up artist Valeriya Kutsan, photographer Alexander Khokhlov and editor Veronica Ershova joined talents in 2013 to share a stunning visual project called  "2D or not 2D” 

Inspired by two-dimensional poster, Kutsan transforms the beautiful faces of the models into bewitched 2D paintings. Through the collection, we can see a diverse display of skills and techniques, from sketch and graphic arts to water-colour and oil-paintings, that transport the viewer to different iconic art movements, such as the impressionism, fauvism, cubism, neoplasticism, pop art, and so on.

This Russian team is integrated by Valeriya Kutsan, who is currently focus in fashion. Alexander Khokhlov, who discovered photography seven years ago, and a year later, in 2008, he found his passion in fashion and beauty photography. And by Veronica Ershova, a photographer known as an retoucher and post-processing expert, whose portfolio shows focus in landscape, music and fashion. They also have worked together in other projects. In 2012, Kutsan and Khokhlov exhibited "Weird Beauty” focused in a monochromatic experience that exalts the forms and volume. Meanwhile, Khokhlov and Ershova joined talents in the philology and minimalism serie “Tables Stories”. 

Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments! (:

The project on Behance

Personal pages:

~Sara is an industrial and graphic designer. Presently she is focused in web development, motion graphics, and interactive visual design. She loves animation, movies, wander museums, and snuggle with a book. She enjoys discover new cultures and ideas through any expression of art.~

Thankyou  Sara, for your help you are welcome to help me again really soon , ;)

    As an extra note the  project reminded me of Alexa Meade
*all work is property of the artist *
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