Tuesday 31 August 2010

Designer loves art...19...Colin Campbell Cooper

when we hear the art movement impressionism we usually imagine, European masters and not American.

this is Colin Campbell Cooper

he is am american impresionist, and unlike many artists he was sofisticated, well trained and well traveled.
and documented all of his travels by his work.

*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerloveart

Friday 27 August 2010

Designer loves art...18..Julian Beever

most of us when we where little in the summer we would get those big sidewalk chalks and draw all over the drive way. well someone take it a step even further.
this is Julian Beever
he makes portraits bust his most impressive work is his 3-d work, which is made so that the view from one specific point comes together, but form another side it would get a really distorted view.

*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerloveart

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Designer loves art...17...Grzegorz Wróbel

we have talked before of how difficult water color is achieved, now at that to architectural design.
this is Grzegorz Wróbel

he is Polish and he has worked though his style so show architectural spaces like Casabatllo from Gaudi who we have talked about before.
but he also shows some great artwork in landscape and fantasy.

*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerloveart

Friday 20 August 2010

Designer loves art...16..Cheeming Boey

Styrofoam cups, useful, white, who hasn't written on one?
this is
Cheeming Boey
and he takes in on to a whole different level. maybe we should try it someday.
notice the mirror on the back so you can see the whole cup.

*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerloveart

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Designer loves art...15...Joseph Leyendecker

imagine Santa clause, now imagine new year... you imagined Santa as a chubby man, red cheeks long white beard?
and new years as a chubby baby in diapers?
this is Joseph Christian Leyendecker
he worked for the Saturday Evening post, from him we have the ideas as Santa and new year as well as held with the arrow collar brand.

*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerloveart

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Designer loves art...14...Chris Jordan

if I tell you to imagine one million of organizations that promote peace, or 2.5 pieces of plastic that go into the ocean each hour
or even 106, million cans used in the usa each 30 seconds. can you picture them?
this is Chris Jordan
he thinks no one can imagine or understand such big quantities.
so he decided to do something with those statistics and put them in a visual understanding.
(images on the right are the zoom of the image of the left)

*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerlovear

Designer loves art...13..Gaudi

lines, curves, busyness you might think art nouveu right? well not always, sometimes being unique
gives turns you immortal.

this is Antoni Gaudí


he is an internationally renowned arquitect he made many important building. but his most important work is

" La Sagrada Familia" church, its construction began in 1882 and its projected to be finished in 2026, why? the amount of detail, in each centimeter of the church are indescribable, look at it yourself and you be the judge.


*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerloveart

Friday 6 August 2010

Designer loves art...12..Alina Chau

water color is sometimes difficult to achieve, now combine it with quick sketching and you can make a huge mess of things.
yet many are talented at it.
this is: Alina Chau
she has a talent with sketches as well as her more detailed work. she works with simple forms, splash of color, and she gets the idea though.
she has published book and you can buy some of her prints online as well.

*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerloveart

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Designer loves art...11..Norman Rockwell

many illustrators are known all around the world. in American illustrators in of the last century,
usually one name pops up rapidly.
this is Norman Rockwell
his happy portraits of life, bring you the pleasure of telling you a story,
you get a glimpse of people life, what they are doing, who they are with, and he also gives you information of the subjects by the place they are in
and the objects with them.

*All work is property of the artist *
Follow me @ Twitter http://twitter.com/designerloveart